Tuesday, January 17, 2006


She's the oldest of us four, a fact I'm sure she'll love me pointing out. Jan has an artistic streak a mile wide, and can draw or paint anything. A framed drawing that she gave me many years ago was a pastel, a downtown night scene with traffic and lights overhead. It was excellent, and I'd be willing to bet it didn't take her long to do. I can just see her, seeing the scene and knowing exactly how to do it.
Going way back to when we were kids, for a long time I was very jealous of her and Kathy. They were both girls only a year apart and at times it felt like I had nothing in common with them. Which I probably didn't at that point.
Jan loves music and she and I love a lot of the same stuff. I somehow inherited/acquired/stole Jan and Kathy's early record collection after they'd both left home. The one that always made me laugh was the album 'Yellow Submarine' with terms of endearment for various Beatles written in marksalot by Jan and Kathy.
I also remember sneaking into her bedroom when she wasn't there and playing all those records. One night when she was gone, and the folks were off in another part of the house, I must have listened to 'I Feel Fine' twenty times.
Jan has a temper and she's got a big heart. She's crazy but then we all are. Actually, I think Joe's the craziest.
Your birthday's coming up in six months so I wanted to be first on my block to say, happy birthday Janny!


Blogger gbj said...

I remember that, oddly enough. A real sixties outfit.
Just as I remember Kathy being a George fan, and you, John. And yeah, that was definitely Kathy's writing, though I think it was only one 'woo.'

6:28 PM  
Blogger gbj said...

I would guess 'You Nazty Spy.' But I don't really know.

8:24 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Hi, I'm back. Yes, George was "my" Beatle and I hung out with three other girls who had the other members of the group. I'd give George three "Woos", come to think of it.

I love your new blog and cracked up over the commercials . . .

12:04 PM  

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