United 93
Up until the end of the film, the passengers themselves are almost a sidebar to the story. Most of the action takes place on the ground, as the horrific events of the day and their implications gradually become apparent to all those trying to manage the crisis. Trying to figure out what's happening and what to do, trying to discern good information from bad... I distinctly remember following the news that day and hearing rumors about 12 planes unaccounted for and possibly hijacked. All of it seems so clear in retrospect but on that awful day, it was anything but.
In the early part of the film, hardly anyone seems willing to even believe a single hijacking, much less four, had taken place. It had been over ten years since the last one. Much of the early going has to do with air-traffic controllers routinely directing flights, doing their jobs, which even under the most ordinary circumstances appear incredibly complicated. Something like 4200 passenger flights are in the air at any given moment in the US.
The passengers of United 93 are a very ordinary, anonymous group and no attempt is made, as in 'Airport' type films, to flesh out their characters or even identify them by name. They're old and young, skinny and fat, some using laptops and others content to just sit... a group like we've all seen dozens of times when we've flown.
I won't go into more detail about the end, though we all know how it ultimately ends, other than to say from this retelling, the passengers very nearly succeeded in retaking the plane. Whether they would have survived past that is a matter of conjecture. But they did succeed in a more important way. On that confused and confounding day, they joined the police and firefighters and rescue workers in New York and Washington as the real heroes of the moment. To this day, I think most people are almost in awe of their spontaneous bravery and resourcefulness, and we all wonder whether we would have done the same in their places.
When the film ended, you could have heard a pin drop in the theater. I've never sat in a movie theater that quiet before.