Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mrs. Aaarslberg?

The folks asked me to type a letter to a lawyer today; no big deal, just a character reference really for an old friend.

As usual, Dad composed the letter, then spoke it out loud while Mom wrote it down. Then it was handed to me to type on the computer and print out. Happens all the time.

Mom's handwriting is always a bit tricky to understand and it appeared the lawyer had a middle name that I couldn't quite make out. So I called out, "What is this guy's middle name?" Mom called back, "Wine! W-I-N-E."
"Joseph Wine Gardner?" I asked.

Okay, I thought. Then I heard Dad say, "His middle name is Wine?"
"Well, that's what you told me!" Mom said. "I wrote down what you said."
"His last name is Weingardner," Dad said.

By this time, I had already typed the body of the letter and then added the correct name at the top but failed to change the 'Dear Mr. Gardner' salutation and didn't realize it before I printed it and took it to Mom to proofread.

She began reading the letter to Dad and said, "Joseph Weingardner," then his address and then, "Dear Mr. Gardner..."
"His name's not Gardner!" Dad said.
"No, we're going to change that," she replied. "Dear Mr. Gardner... I mean, Weingardner..."

God, I have been laughing about this for the last four hours.


Blogger gbj said...

I'm telling you, sometimes it's a laugh a minute around here. Sometimes.

You are the Wine Gardner, the creator?

2:38 PM  

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