more odds, more ends

Myspace or Blogger? I had something I wanted to look up on a Myspace site and I couldn't access it unless I started my own page, which was easy enough. So now I have one. It seems more like a teenybopper thing... I don't think I'll use it much. But it was free, so what the heck.
Tracey has gotten me kind of interested in the World Cup, and since American football is still a while away, I've been finding out bits and pieces. And today, I watched the US and Italy play. First time I think I've ever watched a soccer game (as we call it) from start to finish. The teams played to a draw, which I gather was much better than was expected for the Americans. They were tough and aggressive (to the point of having two players ejected) and so were the Italians (they had one kicked out for a blatant foul) but in any event, it was nice to see our team not give up and keep on trying, after what I understand was a disastrous first game against the Czech Republic. But I have to say, I seriously doubt this will take the place of the NFL for me.
Tomorrow's Paul McCartney's birthday, the much anticipated, much written about, much dreaded 'When I'm 64' birthday. And of course it's Father's Day. More on that tomorrow.
The pic is of Collective Soul's Ed and Dean Roland visiting Iraq for a concert sometime in the last year.
I signed up with Facebook so I could see the pages of other grad students in Humanities but I doubt I'll be back. An article in the NYTimes said that many employers are looking at Myspace, Facebook and blogs and rejecting otherwise qualified applicants on the basis of what they see there. I have to say that the generation that grew up on the internet seems to have a hard time drawing certain boundaries, and understanding the older generations' concepts of what constitutes appropriate behavior in some circumstances.
Yeah, it's kind of uncharted territory. That's always been an intriguing thing about the internet, that people are just kind of making it up as they go along. But with all that freedom comes the good, the bad and the ugly. At the car lot, our computer guy said it was like the wild west in a lot of ways... lots of things you would just assume to be illegal really aren't, because they haven't gotten around to passing the laws yet. And then it's also a matter of actually enforcing the laws they pass, which is something else altogether.
Well, my pet peeve remains the virus-mongers. I don't understand the emphasis on spammers, who admittedly are annoying but at least they don't screw up your computer! These viruses though are so destructive and (unlike spam) some of them you can't get rid of, unless you wipe everything else out on your computer and start over.
I suppose with the latest anti-virus programs, their days are coming to an end (I hope!) and it won't be soon enough for me.
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